One of the pressing problems for men is the odors characteristic of most of them. Basically, this is the smell of sweat, which the vaunted deodorants are not able to kill. And men are worried about it, those who care about their health.And this is the right excitement, because sweat itself does not smell. Let's look at what makes up our sweat: glucose, water and salts. And none of these components has any specific odors. So what does it smell like then? And the flora that men have under their arm smells. Various bacteria settle in these secluded places, which create such a pungent smell.It turns out that you can get rid of the smell in an elementary way. You just need to take care of your body properly, and not use deodorants. If you take a shower at least once a day, change clothes, especially those that are adjacent directly to the body, then the bacteria will simply have nothing to profit from there. And deodorants were invented, in their original version, for a completely different purpose. They were used as the same colognes, only much less sharply. That is, the body received a pleasant, barely perceptible aroma. Now deodorants are used to muffle the odors of sweat, but we have already found out that this does not remove the cause. And it's very, very easy to deal with the cause.But still, it is not always possible to take a shower, and the smell has already appeared. Of course, in this case, you can use deodorant. However, it must be remembered that when using it, you will only create an environment for the reproduction of bacteria even more. Deodorant does not kill them, but simply creates a pleasant smell. Make it a rule, as soon as such an opportunity arises, to take a shower immediately, and certainly not to go to bed if the applied deodorant has not been washed off. By the way, now there are deodorants that suppress sweat, but this is a very harmful hobby. We have already said that sweat itself does not smell, but its excretion is physiology. With its release, the body is cleansed of certain substances. If it is suppressed, then everything that should have been withdrawn will remain inside. The result....Nothing good. So, using deodorants, make sure that they do not contain those components that suppress the release of sweat.And once again, let us remind you that no matter how advertising assures us, no means can remove the smell of sweat. So, use what you have already checked, and do not scold the manufacturers if you could not completely get rid of the smell. It is better to wash more often than to smear more. And do not buy those deodorants that prevent the appearance of stains on your shirt if you have just run a multi-kilometer cross. This is not something that is not useful, it is very harmful to health. Aviator-Spiel ist ein einzigartiges Spiel, bei dem Sie in einem fliegenden Flugzeug spielen müssen. Spiel integriert mehrere moderne Casino -Online -Gaming -Technologien, wie beispielsweise Gespräche mit anderen Spielern, die Wetten aller Teilnehmer in der Runde und deren Siege. Legen Sie Ihre Wetten in das Spiels Aviator und erleben Sie eine Flut von Emotionen und Freude. |